EMDR & Alpha Stims

Kay is a qualified traumatologist who has trained in EMDR with EMDR Extra and has attending training in the use of the Alpha Stims machine.

EMDR is a therapy that will help with PTSD & trauma and is approved by the NICE guidelines.

Therapist need to attend training to know how to deliver EMDR safely.

Please always check that the therapist has completed all three parts of the training. To know more about EMDR please visit this link

Alpha Stims is a treatment for depression, anxiety, insomnia and also has brilliant results with people with fibromyalgia as well.

During session if you are suitable for the machine you will be able to use my device. The device uses CES (Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation) primarily, this device concentrates on creating relief by calming and relaxing the body.

The waveform passes between two electrodes that you clip on to your earlobes, providing treatment without the use of medication by sending a signal to your brain.

The treatment is non-invasive, and can be used in conjunction with most other treatments. 

It is now officially being used by the NHS in one of their centres for the treatment of Anxiety, the Alpha-Stim AID is now being fully respected by important members of the research centres within the NHS. Read more about Alpha Stims

I have trained in using different treatments to just talking so that you can get back to your normal life quicker and not attend therapy for years and years not moving forward.

Being depressed or anxious, having horrible flashbacks is not comfortable nor the place you want to stay.

Kay will conceptualize a treatment plan for you so that you get the best treatment so you can be who you are meant to be…

Counselling First